2020 Speakers
Keynote Address: Ethics in Context
Scott L. Cummings
Robert Henigson Professor of Legal Ethics & Professor of Law
Founder and Faculty Director, UCLA Program on Legal Ethics and the Profession (LEAP)
Scott Cummings will explain why we have developed a system of legal ethics, how the foundations of that system are cracking, and what those cracks tell us about our ethics regime. He will also provide some insights into where we go from here.
**Hosted and Introduced by Elyse Meyers**
Understanding the Ethics System
David C. Carr
Ethics Attorney, specializing in discipline defense, bar admissions, attorney professional responsibility and ethics advice
Member, State Bar’s Standing Committee on Professional Responsibility and Conduct
David Carr will describe the attorney discipline process in California, covering the different stages of a State Bar matter. He will discuss some of the state’s disciplinary bodies and decision-makers.
**Hosted and Introduced by David Isom**
Ethics of Investigation
Charles H. Frey
Director of Library, Munger, Tolles & Olsen LLP
Charles Frey will speak about the fun and the danger of using public records, social media, and other sources of personal information in professional research. He will discuss ethical ways to handle requests for a deep dive on a person or business and highlight potential pitfalls for the investigative librarian.
**Hosted by Himself and Introduced by Mike Saint-Onge**
Ethics of Service
Laurel Moran
Assistant Director, Legal Information Management, San Diego Law Library
Laurel Moran will discuss ethical issues that may arise in service of patrons and will offer insight into ways to be of service while being ethical. Issues to be addressed include patron requests for legal advice or for assistance that may help in commission of a crime or breaking the law, issues surrounding privacy and duties of disclosure, and obligations and challenges under the PATRIOT Act.
**Hosted and Introduced by Karen Skinner**
Ethics of Teaching
Femi Cadmus
Archibald C. and Frances Fulk Rufty Research Professor of Law
Director, J. Michael Goodson Law Library, Duke University School of Law
Immediate Past President, American Association of Law Libraries
Femi Cadmus will describe different ways that instructors are teaching students and new attorneys about their ethical obligations. She will provide an overview about how teaching has changed and reflect on how to adapt ethics education to an increasingly digital world.
**Hosted and Introduced by Maggie Hall**
Ethics of Contracts
Martin Korn
Director of Research and Knowledge Services, Sheppard Mullin
Ellen Augustiniak
Director of Collection Services, UC Irvine Law
Sarah Joshi
Library Student, San Jose State University
Austin Stoub
Senior Librarian, Reference & Research, LA Law Library
Mr. Korn will moderate a discussion of ethical questions that libraries may face when contracting for and using resources. Issues addressed will include how to handle the ethics of billing back to clients, managing trial subscriptions, identifying ethical traps, handling contractual limits on use, ethically using un-subscribed sources, etc. The panel will feature voices from across the librarian spectrum to weigh in on how these issues affect different types of libraries.
**Hosted and Introduced by Lu Nguyen and Robyn Bytheway**