The SCALL Institute Local Arrangements Committee has put together a great list of things to do while at the SCALL Institute in Temecula.

You gotta eat.
How else are you gonna keep your strength up for attending all the Institute programs?

You gotta drink.
How else are you gonna mingle with all your SCALL buds?

You gotta gamble.
How else are you gonna retire early and buy that flashy sports car?

Of course, you are gonna do all these things after attending all the wonderful and informative Institute programs! Yup.

The list and map can also be found at:

Also, the DEADLINE for early bird registration is approaching. Register and get your room at the Temecula Creek Inn by Friday, February 12, 2016.

For more information check out the Local Arrangements Section.

Courtesy of Wendy Nobunaga, SCALL Institute PR Committee