2023 WestPac Annual Meeting
Doubletree Hotel CircleWestPac will take place Thursday, September 28 to Saturday, September 30, 2023, at the Doubletree Hotel Circle in San Diego. You can book your hotel room here.
WestPac will take place Thursday, September 28 to Saturday, September 30, 2023, at the Doubletree Hotel Circle in San Diego. You can book your hotel room here.
The SCALL Programs Committee is hosting a virtual educational event on Thursday, November 2, 2023. They will be speaking with Lexis regarding their use of artificial intelligence as well as current projects.
Members of the Programs committee are hosting an informal happy hour social for all of those in the downtown Los Angeles area! The event will take place Friday, December 1, 2023 at 6:30pm at the Library Bar. The address is 630 W. 6th Street, Suite 116 A, Los Angeles, CA 90017. Join in for an […]
The 52nd SCALL Institute will take place on Friday and Saturday, February 23-24, 2024, at the Mar Monte Hotel, Santa Barbara The theme is AI Unleashed: Practical and Ethical Applications for Legal Libraries